Pterygoid implants and Zygomatic are two types of long implants that are used when the patient has inadequate quantity or quality of bone to hold implants of regular dimensions. The pterygoid implant is an axial implant installed through the maxillary tuberosity with fixation apically in the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone and the pyramidal process of the palatine bone. In these cases, bones of more surpassing hardness are used, such as those in the region of the cheekbones, to attach the implants, since they always maintain their hardness and density.
The main feature of these implants is that they are placed in two bones that are never reabsorbed, the zygomatic, in the case of zygomatic implants and the pterygoid, in the case of pterygoid implants. So they can be used even in the most critical atrophies of the maxillary bone. In addition, pterygoid implants are also special for their length, much longer than conventional implants. Thus, pterygoids of 15 to 20 mm, a length designed to ensure a correct anchorage in the bone.

Treatment With Zygomatic Or Pterygoid Implants Major Advantages:
- It is a good option to bone grafts placement in patients suffering considerable maxillary bone resorption.
- Decreases the treatment time safely, swiftly and conveniently for the patient.
- It supports improved aesthetics for every patient, regardless of the quality of their bone for dental implant placement.
- Pterygoid implants help to overcome the need for maxillary sinus elevation and bone grafting procedures and may simplify the surgical phase of prosthodontic treatment.
- Pterygoid implants can also shorten the treatment time and allow the immediate function for the edentulous patient.
All those who present bone resorption in the region of the jaw after the loss of teeth, either by common factors such as sex or age, or local injuries such as or bone metabolism. These changes in the bone structure must be taken into account in the investigation and planning of dental implant treatment.
The Simpladent India offers a long experience in the field of Implantology, being one of the best centres worldwide expert in the placement of special implants such as zygomatic or pterygoid. Thanks to this, it is now possible to respond to all patients the quality of life they deserve and gain the smile they seek.
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