Procedure Overview Immediate-loading dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry by providing patients with a faster and more efficient solution for tooth replacement. This innovative procedure allows for the placement of dental implants and the attachment of a temporary crown or bridge on the same day, eliminating the need for a lengthy healing period. The procedure begins with a
Titanium Implants: Dental implants have revolutionized dentistry, offering a reliable and long-term solution to missing teeth. Full mouth dental implants in particular provide individuals with comprehensive restoration of their smile, functionality, and oral health. One key factor determining their success is material used during construction – this article delvesdeeper into these materials used in full mouth restoration. Titanium Implants: Titanium
Dental Implants: Dental implants have taken the dentistry by storms, offering long-term solutions for replacing missing teeth and restoring smiles. No matter whether it’s just one missing tooth or multiple, Dental Implants offer stable yet natural-looking replacement options that look natural compared to dentures or bridges. But prepping for implants requires several steps and considerations before beginning this procedure –
Post-Implant care: Congratulations on choosing dental implants to improve both your smile and oral health! Whether it is Full Dental Implants or single dental implants, proper post-implant care is crucial to long-term success of this investment in beautiful, healthy smile. After dental implant surgery, it is vitally important that patients follow all instructions from their surgeon and follow post-implant care
[Delhi, Hyderabad, Surat, Visakhapatnam, 22 February, 2024] – Simpladent Immediate Loading Dental Implants proudly announces the launch of Implant Awareness Month, a celebration of transformative dental care, running from February 22nd to March 22nd, 2024. This initiative aims to spotlight the life-changing potential of dental implants and educate the public about the innovative solutions available at Simpladent clinics worldwide. Dental
When it comes to dental implants, there are various methods and approaches available to patients. Two commonly known methods are conventional implantology and the Simpladent® method. While both methods aim to provide patients with a reliable and functional solution for missing teeth, there are crucial differences between the two. Conventional Implantology Conventional implantology, often performed with 2-stage implants, has been
Many patients often wonder if they are eligible for treatment with the Simpladent® Method, especially those who have compromised health or chronic illnesses like diabetes, or those who are heavy smokers. The answer to this question is a resounding “Yes!”. The Strategic® Implant, used in the Simpladent® Method, has a success rate of over 99% for patients with various health
The Simpladent® treatment method with the Strategic® Implant offers several advantages over conventional dental implant procedures. In this article, we will discuss the three main benefits of this innovative treatment method: speed, safety, and painlessness. Speed One of the key advantages of the Simpladent® treatment method is its speed. Unlike conventional methods that require multiple surgical procedures and lengthy healing
Dental Implants for patients who are considered “at risk” When it comes to dental implants, patients who are considered “at risk” due to factors such as smoking, diabetes, or other diseases may have concerns about receiving immediate care with the STRATEGIC® Implant. However, the Simpladent® treatment method offers a solution that addresses these concerns and provides a reliable and efficient
Peri-implantitis is a common infection that occurs around dental implants, specifically those that have been in use for a longer period of time. This infection is linked to bone loss and can have a significant impact on a patient’s quality of life. Unfortunately, conventional implantation therapy often fails to effectively treat peri-implantitis, leading to the removal of the implant. It