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    CorticoBasal® Implants @ Simpladent Clinics – The best dental clinics in India for immediate loading dental implants using basal implants

    Basal Implants are the future in the world of dentistry and Simpladent Clinics is at par with the international dental standards, hence solving your dental problem with ease. Some of the common dental problems that people, across the globe, face are Missing Teeth and decayed Tooth! Though they are attributed to many problems like gum disease, accidents, they can be treated using Implants and dentures.

    Wearing dentures for longer periods may weaken the bone structure and gums. So, dental specialists at Simpladent clinics recommend undergoing dental implantation using Strategic Implant®. They are also called Basal implants for the reason that they are implanted on the Basal region.

    Why Simpladent clinics are called the best dental clinics for dental implants / Corticobasal® implants?

    Simpladent group revolutionized the concept of dental implantation with its Strategic Implant® and immediate functional loading implantology. Also known as Basal Implants, Strategic Implant® work wonders even in no bone cases.
    Strategic Implant® are single-piece implants,unlike other types of implants. This reduces the implantation complexities and boosts osseointegration.
    Conventional dental implantation takes months of time. However,Simpladent’s Immediate loading dental implantation makes it possible to restore the complete smile within three days i.e., less than 72 Hrs.
    Implantation is done on the cortical bone instead of cancellous bone, which is resorption-stable. This technique thereby eliminates the need for cancellous bone and make it possible to treat even no-bone cases.
    Simpladent’s Immediate loading implantation bypasses Bone augmentation and nerve intervention procedures thereby making the implantation process swift and simple.
    The cost of Implantation is relatively less with simpladent’s Immediate loading of Strategic Implant®.
    Specialized dental technicians start the creation of prosthetic teeth right after implanting Strategic Implant® on the cortical bone. So, no need to wait for months to heal.
    Simpladent group trains its associated Implantologists to make them efficient in performing Implantation and treating complex clinical cases.
    No incidence of Peri-implantitis is reported with Strategic Implant®. This is because Strategic Implant® (Basal implant) used by Simpladent clinics are finely polished to resist retrograde peri-implantitis. So, peri-implantitis is a thing of past with our Basal implants.

    What do we offer?

    Our treatment goal is to solve all of your dental problems in one sitting, such as:

    • Missing teeth, inability to eat and smile;
    • Periodontal problems (inflammation of the gums, tooth mobility);
    • Endodontic problems (granulomas, cysts);
    • Problems with heavily decayed or reconstructed teeth;

    Typically we approach all these problems in one step. Removal of teeth and implant placement are done in the same appointment, and right after this our lab-team starts working on your new teeth. To avoid future problems, other ailing teeth likely to cause problems within the next five years will also be removed and replaced by implants.

    Our experience with thousands of implant operations and case observations clearly shows that implants are much more reliable than natural teeth in adult patients. We will analyze your oral situation and create an individual treatment plan.

    Attributes of Simpladent’s success – Swift, Safe, and Simple implantation process

    Simpladent group clinics across the world treated millions of cases. Simpladent clinics in India, which have spread across different cities, had restored smiles for thousands of people using Basal implants. So, they are referred to as “The best Dental clinics for dental implantation

    Make an appointment with your nearest simpladent clinic to get your smile restored with world-class yet affordable dental implants.

    Dental Tourism in Delhi NCR

      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

      Speed: The entire process, from removing teeth to inserting Strategic® Implants, is completed in one surgery. Unlike conventional methods, these implants are placed into cortical bone, requiring only small amounts of this bone for successful treatment. This avoids the need for bone augmentation, transplants, and sinus lifts, saving 98% of the total treatment time and reducing patient discomfort.
      Safety: Every surgical procedure avoided decreases the overall risk for the patient. By skipping bone augmentation, transplants, and other procedures, Simpladent® minimizes risks, requiring only one surgical intervention.
      Painlessness: While patients may expect some pain after tooth removal, there’s virtually no additional pain during implant insertion. Thus, the process of placing implants is almost entirely painless.

      This question crosses the minds of many patients, especially those dealing with health issues like diabetes or those who smoke heavily.
      The answer is straightforward: Yes! Over 99% of these patients are treated successfully with the Strategic® Implant.
      This includes patients with periodontal disease, chronic gingivitis, and those who have given up on getting fixed teeth due to lengthy or costly treatments. They can all receive care with a single treatment step.

      Conventional implantology with 2-stage implants needs a lot of bone, time, and money. Often, patients don’t have enough bone, so they may need bone augmentation, sinus lift surgery, or risky bone transplants.

      The whole process involves waiting, healing, and high costs. That’s where Simpladent® implantology shines. It’s fast, reliable, and predictable.
      Even patients with very little bone can get immediate treatment with polished, single-piece, cortical-basal implants. Our method only needs cortical bone areas, which everyone has enough of in their jaw.

      These stable areas are perfect for implants and are available in almost every patient’s jaw throughout their life. The Strategic® Implant can be loaded right away.
      With Simpladent®, the dangerous infection peri-implantitis isn’t a concern.

      Yes, you save a lot of time and money.
      Many people have busy lives with work and personal commitments.
      They don’t want to spend a lot of time at the dentist and prefer quick, safe, and reliable care.
      The Simpladent® method offers all of this and is also affordable – patients save over two-thirds of treatment costs compared to traditional methods in Germany.
      Fast, safe, reliable, and affordable – these are the key features of the Simpladent® treatment. Patients can get fixed teeth in just three to five days.
      We even have the “Business-Weekend” option for those who are in a hurry, so they can smile confidently at Monday morning meetings and enjoy lunch without worry.

      Yes, absolutely. Costs for traditional 2-stage implants can add up quickly over time with multiple surgeries, interventions, and aftercare. Patients might feel stuck or overwhelmed by the bills.
      Our treatment method doesn’t require many unnecessary surgical steps like bone grafting, which can reduce costs by 30% compared to traditional methods. Plus, there’s an additional 20% saving by avoiding temporary prosthetic solutions.

      Switching treatments often pays off. We remove the conventional implants and replace them with Strategic® Implants in one surgery. Patients can get back to their normal lives with a smile in just three to five days.

      Doctors educate patients based on what they know. If they stick to traditional implant methods, they might suggest additional procedures like bone augmentation, which involve long healing times and waiting. This can be tough for patients, and success isn’t always guaranteed due to multiple treatments.

      But patients now have options. The Strategic® Implant works with very little bone because it’s a single, polished piece inserted into stable bone areas that everyone has enough of.
      Even patients with peri-implantitis, periodontal disease, or gingivitis can get immediate care with the Simpladent® method. The results are predictable and dependable.

      Yes, they can receive care right away. With conventional screw implants, there’s always a chance of needing more treatments or surgeries, which can be hard for patients. Plus, there’s a risk of peri-implantitis, a serious infection with no effective treatment. But with Simpladent® treatment, only one surgery is needed, the implants are made of a single polished piece, and aftercare happens right away. Peri-implantitis isn’t a known issue with this method.

      Peri-implantitis is an infection that occurs around implants, often caused by long-term use of conventional implants with rough surfaces. This infection leads to bone loss and can result in the removal of the implant later on. It affects around 50% of cases, sometimes appearing after the implant has healed and everything seems fine. Currently, there’s no effective treatment for peri-implantitis because bacteria keep forming in the mouth. The only reliable solution is to remove the conventional implants and replace them with Strategic® Implants. More information can be found at

      There aren’t any medical downsides; it’s quick, safe, affordable, and reliable. There aren’t any hidden tricks. Sometimes, the desired look might not happen right away, but our dental experts are ready for such cases. After getting a tooth removed, the bone naturally rebuilds. In some cases, where there’s little bone, small gaps between the gums and bridge might appear. We can fix this by adjusting or replacing the bridge. Bone rebuilding takes about six to nine months, after which the implant is secure. Then, if needed, the bridge can be replaced. We offer personalized payment plans that cover future bridge replacements.




      Patient Testimonials

      Patient Name: Mr. Anand From USA

      Patient Name: Mr. Prakash From Kota (Rajasthan)

      Testimonial for one of our esteemed international patient

      Hi Everyone, I am a new patient and want to share my story. After wearing dentures for 7 years and struggling with eating and constantly filling my mouth with adhesive I decided to look into getting implants fitted. I am a smoker and have severe gum recession. To get implants done in UK for a full mouth restoration would have costed £ 30,000 plus and require lengthy bone graft procedures and sinus lift. I looked for alternatives and through my research into alternatives, I found a procedure with basal implants. Basically implants that go deep into the hard jaw bone and don’t require bone grafts but must be loaded immediatley. Unfortunately this procedure is not available in UK so decided to look abroad and found Simpladent clinics in India that do it. Sent of my OPG and booked Dentist in Delhi. Arrived 16th March and remaining 4 teeth extracted and 20 implants fitted in first session. Time taken 3 hours, absolutely no pain. Next day plate fitted and impressions taken, 45 minutes. Meanwhile no post operative pain. Next day prothesis fitted. A few follow ups to correct occlusion and bite. Totally satisfied, biggest problem was trying to stop smiling! Cost of 20 implants and ceramic prothesis £5000. It has been 1 month since treatment and they feel and look great. I cannot thank Dr Vivek enough for work he has done and for his kindness and humanity. Not only is he a skiiled surgeon but he is a lovely man too. I highly recommend Simpladent Clinics in Delhi.

      Paul Merrison


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